Don’t Call It A Comeback

baby, we’re back
not that we went anywhere

this is the fourth iteration of an ongoing gaming blog

ok, that’s rubbish
maybe it’s the fourth generation?

what i’m saying is that i’ve done three other blogs before this

  1. Total Party Kill on Blogger. it was ok. nothing has happened with it for some years
  2. The Illuminerdy. well, that was a bust. i got the gig as i moved jobs and moved house, and then the couple that ran it imploded and it kind of dissolved. i copied my articles to
  3. Lo-Fi Geeking. my last blog (as in the one directly preceding this one, not my last ever blog. that might be this one. fingers crossed. anyway, Lo-Fi Geeking was ok. it kind of petered out. i think i lost my voice. this is me trying to find it again.

i’m launching GMS_XPLSN in conjunction with an Instagram account and a Twitter account. there are links

why am i doing this? good question. i don’t have a prepared answer.

there are a few things i’m in the middle of and want to do and have done.
i’m running a weekly online game of Exalted Essence, and a fortnightly meat space game of Vampire: the Masquerade V5. i’m playing a fortnightly Pathfinder 2e game.
starting in May 2023 i’ll be organising a weekly D&D game for my local community. we’ve got space provided by a local mental health charity, Headspace Bolton, and we’ll be running it with them.
i was going to start a podcast this year, but you’ve all been spared that thus far. it may still happen.
i’ve also appeared on a couple of episodes of Frankenstein’s RPG Podcast; the last episode of S2, and the first of S3. i’m actually a pretty big deal.

so what’s the plan?
no plan survives contact with the enemy
but, i thought i’d talk about the bits above, especially the new weekly game. i’m excited, proud, gratified that it’s starting up. it would be good to celebrate it.
i’ll also be talking about games on my shelf, about my Shelf of Shame (shelf of discovery? more positive, less alliterative) – all the games i’ve bought that i’ve not played yet, and what the plan for playing them is.

don’t call it a comeback. mama said knock you out / LL Cool J

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